What are the layers of the Adshares Ecosystem?

2 min
What are the layers of the Adshares Ecosystem?

The Blockchain (Layer 1)

The Adshares Blockchain allows to transfer value. It is a very simple, light and ultra-fast protocol for micro-transactions.

So all advertising transactions in the Adshares Ecosystem are settled in the ADS coin.

The Protocol (Layer 2)

In addition to the Blockchain itself, our development team has created a number of Apps, forming what we call “the RTB on Blockchain”.


Back-end service for calculating funds. Based on campaign results, the AdPay module decides once per hour how much should be transferred from the advertiser to the publisher. The transfer is made every hour, and the publisher can withdraw funds instantly. The advertiser sets the total budget for the entire campaign and the maximum budget for a specific event.


Back-end service for determining the impression context. AdUser accepts requests from AdServer internally. It stores information about the user who views the page, detects if traffic is natural or generated by bots. It also returns data about groups to which the user belongs.


Back-end service for ad selection used by publishers. AdSelector is based on machine learning. The algorithm works for the publisher and decides which ad to match for a given impression. Revenue optimization is based on incoming micropayments. Thanks to them, advertisers' solvency is detected instantly – it's a low-risk solution.


Provides data about banners and allow publishers to effectively filter unwanted content

The service classifies banners in the system and provides a list of keywords which allows publishers to efficiently filter banners. It is a system based on trust to the classifier, so there is space is for many players in this field

AdServers and Apps (Layer 3)

Adshares AdServers are unique open-source ad servers that connect web2 and web3 worlds and allow monetization of both of them. AdServers and each part of the system have the ability to generate revenue and compete for clients.

Additionally, using Adshares resources you can build a decentralized ad application or build your own modules, such as AdServer/Ad Network; marketplaces for influencers; web3 analytics & AdTech data science; browser apps and plugins.